Resume, Revive and Return

The past 5 months have been unprecedented in terms of the impact of the COVID-19 virus on all of our lives. From both an individual and a business perspective, this has been nothing less than traumatic with everyone’s normal daily lives being impacted.
Even now with a loosening of the shackles the public remain nervous about safely visiting public places and businesses try to make ends meet by accommodating social distancing and the reduced clientele that this inevitably leads to. The government's new guidelines on the 'Rule of 6' adds even more complications to the ever moving goalposts.
Few industries have been more affected than Leisure and Visitor Attractions. To see our way though it requires fresh thinking and a paradigm shift in the way we engage with our guests. It is important for everyone that we get back to a new normal and resume as soon as possible. This has been a hugely stressful time for everyone. Relaxation and revival through staycations and short breaks are essential to recharge batteries.
From a business perspective, even under new distancing parameters it is essential that our guests feel comfortable, relaxed and entertained. If we can achieve all of this, businesses will create long term, returning visitors who will be loyal to your brand and happy to increase and repeat their expenditure.
With the aid of technology, Resume, Revive and Return becomes an attainable objective benefiting your business and your guests alike.
Resume and re-open. Clearly in these challenging times both staff and client safety are the primary concerns of all operators. After being closed over the lockdown period, the visitor attraction industry has in the main opened back up, albeit under strict guidelines and with new policies. This has presented many operators with both organisational and economic challenges as we carefully transit through uncharted waters of social distancing. During this period Green 4 has developed and released new software supporting our clients as they work through this difficult opening period. Website journeys, bookings and communications have been vital in supporting this effort.
Revive and rekindle our customers. As stated above over the past couple of months we have experienced visitors flowing back through the proverbial turnstiles, hopefully with a timed entry. Perhaps for the first time or maybe renewing their former experiences with you. Obviously, not in the same volumes, but none the less happy to spend their time and hard-earned money at your attractions.
I was lucky enough to get away for a few days to the coast this summer, like many of us delighted to have different outlook and stunning scenery. As you can imagine there were lots of opportunities to go out and visit, with a number of attractions, cafés and restaurants vying for my family’s patronage. Oh and of course the odd pub!
Their “websites, marketing and booking processes” were hugely important to our decision making process as we navigated our way around the holiday. As you would expect, in many cases we booked well in advance, walking straight up to the attraction entrances with our etickets. In some cases wading past disappointed faces at restaurant doors with covers at a premium - this not intended to be smug, merely a refection of the new way of life!
Hopefully, like me, your clients enjoyed their summer adventures, with social media covered in smiling happy faces and trip advisor brimming with glowing reviews!
Return or repeat. With summer crowds now dwindling, schools returning and the night’s drawing in, our thoughts turn towards the half-term horizon and our future events. One last hurrah before the C’mas word enters the shops and 2021 is upon us. Perhaps all is not yet lost, a chance for a return or repeat visit, but are you ready? Have you put in the groundwork?
So I guess I should ask, do you have a single view of your customer?
Are you communicating the information that they are genuinely interested in or like many just blanket bombing them with mails?
I ask because at Green 4 we have our version of Location, Location, Location. Data, data & data, or more specifically, Data, Insight & Communication. These are the drivers behind Resume, Revive and Return, the difference between just merely resuming and more about reviving the business and repeating the revenue.
With reduced foot flow, the need for data driven decisions in our industry has never been more important. This Covid paradigm shift has caused many organisations to review their internal systems as they strive for insight & data based information for strategic planning. CRM has moved from a potential future vision to possibly the single most important system for the modern forward-thinking visitor attraction.
Green 4 are specialists in providing CRM solutions and exceptional Data Insight Services to visitor attractions.
For example, our Go + team offer a range of bespoke services to complement the inhouse skills of our customers helping them deliver exceptional value and achieve measurable results from their customer relationship strategies. Green 4 can provide the specialist resources and skills required to develop the overall strategy, develop a plan, manage the data, generate insight, and manage campaigns to deliver measurable results more quickly. Keep a look out as we will be sharing more information to help visitor and leisure attractions recover in the coming weeks.
If you are yet to achieve the utopian single view of your customer – then click the link, send a mail ( or give us a call (+44 (0) 845 508 8149). We would love to be involved!